Worship survey

This Sunday, May 31st will be our first in-person worship following our time of staying at home in response to Covid 19 precautions.   We want to make this and following worship times safe and healthy experiences for all present.  I urge you to please follow all precautionary guidelines for your safety and the safety of others.

To help us prepare, it is important for us to get an idea of how many people plan to attend our first in-person services.  (Remember, if it rains May 31, we will meet in the sanctuary.) We are concerned for people’s safety, so we will be following the Phase 1 precautions of 25% of our maximum capacity and/or safe distancing seating for all present.  I strongly urge you to complete the following Worship Survey below.   Please complete all of the questions.  With this information, we will be able to determine if we can seat all who want to attend in one service, or if we need to temporarily move to 2 services in June.

If you are unable to see the form below, you may also complete the survey by clicking here.

Be sure to pray for a sunny day this Sunday for our Outdoor Worship!  God bless you and keep you in these unusual days!

