Donate via Venmo

New Life Community Church now has Venmo. In an effort to make it even easier to tithe or donate to New Life Community Church and our various groups and initiatives, we now have a Venmo account.

To send a donation using Venmo, you have to use their app and set up an account. Download the app to your phone. Create an account. Once completed follow the following steps to donate:

  1. Open Venmo. If you aren’t logged in to Venmo, enter your email address and password when prompted.
  2. Press the “Pay or Request” icon.
  3. Select a recipient. Type @newlifecommunitychurchluling
  4. Enter an amount. Type in the amount you want to send.
  5. Add a note. Below the recipient’s name, type in what the donation is for (i.e. tithe, donation, Youth, Memorial, etc.).
  6. Who can see your payment? By default, your payments are public so anyone can see who you have paid and what it was for. You can change that setting by tapping the Public option and then tapping either Friends (only friends will be able to see the payment) or Private (only you and the recipient will be able to see the payment).
  7. Tap the green Pay button and the money will be sent.